Our customers’ thoughts

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”Lymed garments have changed my life completely”

Olli Salpakoski

Our client Mr Olli Salpakoski has cerebral palsy (CP). Below he describes his experiences using Lymed garments and the effects they have in his life.

I am a 40 year old adventurer and sports enthusiast with CP. lymed_anna_norrgårdMy hobbies include power lifting, climbing and paddling, not forgetting bike hiking. I am also the national champion in arm wrestling.

My life’s goal is to function as independently as possible and do all the things I want. Regardless of my CP, I’ve been a spearhead (and a crash test dummy) in most of my endeavors in the world of adventure sports.

Within months the garment has changed my life completely. The pain in my legs is gone and my spinal disc herniation does not bother me. I have less spasticity and because of that my performance levels and recovery speed is better. Lymed garment protects me from bruises when climbing and hiking, especially when I fall down a lot. I am faster in my movements because the garment brings an ease into my walk.

By trade I am a registered nurse in substance abuse and mental health housing unit and I wear my garments while working, too. I am on my feet at work and I have to lift things in difficult positions. The garments help me do better and keep me feeling safe. Garments are elastic and barely visible.

The garments help my psychological well-being, because I am much more upright when wearing it. My colleagues and friends have said that I stand much straighter and I am more convincing in my job, where body language is very important.

For me it is crucial that I wear it every day. It requires commitment, because it does not help by being in the closet. Sometimes, when the garment corrects my bad posture and position, it causes some pain in my weaker side and spastic shoulder and leg.

My physiotherapist has noticed the benefits of the garment, too. For example, nowadays my muscle tone is much improved.

“The shirt gave me a feeling of my body”

Noora N.

“I have fibromyalgia, swelling disorders, and nerve problems. I have not used compression garments before. I went to Lymed for measurements and was measured for custom-made pants and a shirt. However, there is a production time for the products, so I also bought Solidea therapeutic pantyhose and Interim&Light first-pressure shirt and pants in standard sizes for immediate use. I put on the pantyhose and shirt. I planned to use the shirt and pants at night.

When I left after the measurement, my posture had already improved so much thanks to the pantyhose that I had to raise the car’s rearview mirror. I felt relaxed while driving home, my back didn’t hurt, and nothing felt tight. I took a shower in the evening and immediately noticed something that brought tears to my eyes and made me call out for my husband. For the first time in years, the water didn’t feel like needles on my skin but soft. We had looked for a showerhead that would produce water as gently as possible and without excessive pressure because my skin has felt pressure and every drop as a needle pricks. Now I was crying in the shower because the water was so soft. Not hard and painful. At this point, I had used my compression pantyhose and Interim & Light shirt for about 7 hours, and the feeling was something I had been longing for for years, which I thought I had already lost.

In the evening, I switched to the pants. It felt like the pants were really big, even though they weren’t. The pressure from the pantyhose had clearly been stronger, so the pants felt like a second skin. I started itching. To my surprise, I also itched on my face. The itching wasn’t unbearable, but I scratched myself occasionally. I slept somewhat restlessly because of the itching, but I still fell asleep easily. During the first night, I went to the bathroom multiple times. However, I felt good all the time and got up from bed briskly, which was not normal.

In the morning, I looked in the mirror and realized that the swelling on the left side of my face was rapidly “melting away”. My right hand, which is usually numb and clumsy in the mornings, felt functional right away. Everything I grabbed stayed in my hand, and the swelling in my fingers had gone away, so my hand looked normal.

After a couple of days of use, I put on the pantyhose quite easily. In the afternoon, we ended up playing basketball. I rarely run after the ball, but now I did. It didn’t hurt to run. It felt really strange but good. After my right knee surgery (2009), my knees had always been slightly swollen. I was never taught to walk again, so the strain on my knees had always been quite severe. Now I have “dry knees” for the first time. I didn’t even know they were so small.

When riding a horse, I noticed that my right leg, that had previously been hanging limp due to numbness, was usable again and I could even regulate its position forward and backward on the horse’s side. The shirt gave me control of my right side and hand. Even my shoulder tried to move back to its place, as it always tries to escape pain by moving forward. It was a wonderful feeling, and the horse was also satisfied because I wasn’t tied into a million knots on its back.”

The garment that supports Marko’s everyday life

Marko Kuronen

Our client, Mr Marko Kuronen was born with mild cerebral palsy and retinal degeneration (the narrowness of the field of view is under 5% and he is nyctalopic). Below he depicts his experiences using the LYMED Sense™ supporting garment and its effects on his body and entire life.

The garment in question affects the way I control my body. In addition to that the suit helps me perceive the parts of my body completely different. The suit allows me to add functionality in my life. Because of the possibility for added exercise and new sensory feelings my movement has become more controlled and improved as well as perkier.

The effects on my everyday life:

The garment helps me positively perceive muscle groups in all parts of my body. The suit gives me information that I have different muscle groups that I can use e.g. in moving my body. This new found muscle awareness comes from the pressure the suit provides.

New sensations include e.g. the possibility to extend my toes whilst wearing shoes. The extension of the toes sends a message to my brains that I have the possibility to use my entire instep of foot. Without the suit I cannot feel the extension in my toes and the curl up when I walk. This is very difficult. Extending the toes help me move and has a positive effect on the development of balance.

I was born with a mild case of CP which manifests as a division of strength – the left side of my body is considerably healthier and stronger than my right side. The suit helps to balance this difference. The right side of my body is weaker from my axilla to the toes and the right leg is three millimeters shorter that the left one. When I move with the suit on it cognitively aids the weaker side’s muscle groups and I can make more use of them. The benefit of the suit is best seen in my legs: when I’m suited I can easily lower my right heel to the floor (and against my therapeutic sole in my shoe). Without the suit I am not able to do this at all. The ability to lower my heel affects my balance immensely. My balance is better and my movement is more controlled. Without the suit I have to concentrate on getting the heel to lower itself and this slows down and severs my walking. The slow, imbalanced movement adds to my muscle spasticity. When I’m wearing my suit the spastic movements are fewer and far between, even visually seem to stay hidden a bit.

Because I can now lower my right heel I have now trained to use my right leg differently than before. The leg used to drag under me when I walked but now the suit has given me a chance to correct its position, directly to the front. The corrected stance adds to my balance and I now have a more upright walk. This affects my walk making it more alert and happy, faster and the overall enjoyment of moving.

By raising the waist on my trousers we have achieved the support needed in my lower back and pelvis when sitting and moving. The higher waistline, in addition to this, helps me extend my back and be more in an upright position. When the upper part of my body is in a better position I am able to move easier and I’m taller now! The position of my upper body affects the trajectories of my movements over time. Without the suit the support is gone and my posture goes back to the position the CP has given me – by body collapses and the extensions are no longer.

The suit affects the palm of my hand as well as the fingers. I can immediately feel it when I put it on. The pressure lets me know that I have straightened fingers that I can use easily. It becomes easier to write and type. The diminished stiffness relieves the tension in my shoulder and neck area. With time I hope that the suit will bring me better dexterity with my fingers. The suit has an effect on my arm muscles and muscle groups; I can feel some of them better. The use of hands and the control of the right shoulder are easier. The shoulder raises and feels sturdier with the suit, like it magically grew new muscles and posture overnight. Without the suit my right shoulder is collapsed and I do not feel the muscles needed to move it. When I move with the suit on my palms are extended (even my fingers) and my arms have slowly started to sway to support my walk. The suit thus creates new movement trajectories.

The suit’s effects on my brain functionality:

When used regularly I can feel the effects even in my brain. The direct effect is the calmness I have. I can concentrate and I do not get so anxious with my clumsiness caused by the CP. My ability to concentrate is controlled and I can ponder things with time. The suit also controls the parts of my brain needed for movement. The suit gives me the message of my limbs and how and when can I use them.

Because the suit helps me relax and be calm my epilepsy seizures have become smaller and fewer. The suit reduces stress, without it I have less tolerance for it and the risk for seizures becomes greater.

Generally the supporting garment helps me perceive and find new qualities from my body which I have not been able to do before. The suit has given my more body awareness and control. With time I expect to learn the new trajectories in my movement and control the disabilities caused by CP. The pressure garment is a physiotherapy tool in my everyday life. The benefit if the suit is remarkable for me, it’s my silent friend that guides and helps me move and use my body like it should be used. I’ve learned more things about myself and my body than ever before! This as a whole makes me and my body more integrated and I’m a happier person because of it. And the joy affects my everyday only positively!

To sum it up:

The pressure garment can be a miniscule thing to a regular person but to me, as a disabled person, it is of an irreplaceable magnitude! It’s a supported step in my new life’s path.

A mother’s story: Fedde’s journey — a story of hope and care

This is a story of a little Dutch boy who was born with fluid accumulating in his feet, and how he’s made great progress with Lymed compression stockings. 

After an intensive IVF process, we were overjoyed to discover that we were expecting Fedde. Everything seemed to be going well until the 20-week ultrasound, where we were told that fluid was accumulating in both of Fedde’s feet. Since this was concerning, we were referred to the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) for further examination and guidance.

Fedde wearing Lymed compression stockings

For the remainder of the pregnancy, I was closely monitored by the UMCG. Unfortunately, the fluid in Fedde’s feet did not disappear; instead, it increased. Despite these uncertainties, we remained hopeful. The delivery was difficult, as Fedde was in posterior position. When he was finally born, the doctors confirmed that there was indeed fluid in his feet.

When Fedde was four months old, we were referred to the Centre of Expertise for Lymphovascular Medicine in Drachten. There, a multidisciplinary team was ready to examine Fedde and support us with guidance for his care. This team included a dermatologist, paediatrician, oedema therapist, physical therapist, geneticist, a compression garment specialist from Wijngaarden, and a nurse. Their expertise and empathy immediately gave us confidence. After the necessary examinations, Fedde’s feet were measured for his first Lymed compression stockings. Thanks to these compression stockings, the size of his feet stabilised, which was a great relief for us.

However, during this same examination, the paediatrician heard a murmur near Fedde’s aortic valve. Further investigations revealed that his aortic valves are fused, and his aorta is enlarged. This was another heavy blow, but we knew that Fedde was in good hands.

In terms of his motor development, Fedde was behind schedule. This was mainly due to the fluid in his feet, which caused him to spend a long time lying on his back. With the help of a physical therapist and his stockings, he began to roll over at seven months and started commando crawling at ten months. This gave him noticeably more freedom and reduced his frustration. Around his first birthday, he managed to crawl, and now he’s making huge strides: he’s standing and already walking along the table!

Since Fedde has been wearing Lymed compression stockings from a young age, the fluid in his feet has fortunately not increased. His stockings come off at night, and every morning we can easily put them back on. He is used to them and doesn’t seem to be bothered by them. We are in constant close contact with the hospital in Drachten, ensuring that we receive quick assistance when needed. 

Fedde is developing well, and despite the many setbacks, we continue to be amazed by his perseverance. He is a content, happy little boy who, thanks to the wonderful medical team around him, is able to make the most of life. We are incredibly thankful for their amazing work and support.

Para-equestrian Anna Norrgård:
“I’m hooked on Lymed compression garments.”

Anna Norrgård

Anna Norrgård is a 31-year-old dressage rider who was injured in a car accident. Anna has been diagnosed with a brain injury, severe whiplash in the neck, and three fractured points in the thoracic spine as well as tears in the neck structures. Anna’s goal is to compete as a para-equestrian in dressage and raise awareness about her injury. She wears a class 2 compression shirt with a reinforced collar and class 2 compression pants with a lumbar support reinforcement. The design of the pants takes into account the riding position at the knee bend. Anna also uses a Sense compression shirt with strong pressure, a turtleneck collar, a back reinforcement, and self-adjustable shoulder straps.


lymed_anna_norrgård“I first heard about the possibility of using pressure textiles about 2-3 years ago from my occupational therapist, and from that moment on, I was hooked! I first tried a regular pressure suit, i.e. pants and a shirt, at home. I immediately felt that they were beneficial for me, but at the same time, I felt that the benefit could still be maximized. I now have two pressure shirts of different strengths, of which I mainly use the lighter version. I got to design the other pressure shirt with the help of my occupational therapist. Together, we designed where I needed more pressure and where, for example, I needed adjustable pressure. A few weeks later, I received my custom-made shirt, and I have been using it ever since. It helps me especially in very severe pain situations when medication no longer helps. The even pressure on the clothing calms me down and relieves the restlessness caused by pain. I often fall asleep in the evening with the pressure shirt on.

Later, I realized that I could also use my pressure textiles in exercise. They help my body stay more relaxed and better perceive the movements of my limbs and body. I suffer from spasms, which often cause my body to involuntarily tense up when I concentrate, for example. Pressure textiles help remind me to change my position to a more relaxed one and away from any incorrect posture, which also helps with the pain. Often, people also tell me that my posture looks more upright and relaxed when I use pressure textiles – even though they don’t even know I’m wearing them.”

Lymed products for treating pain and fluid accumulation

Erja P.

My physiotherapist recommended the use of compression garments for me. I have a shirt, pants, zippered socks, and gloves. I mainly wear my clothes during the day, and I feel that I have benefited greatly from them!

My work commutes would not be possible without compression pants. I travel in a van with my electric wheelchair, lying down for 200 km/day, and the compression pants reduce the vibration caused by the road. The vibration is mainly focused on the hips and lower back, and I cannot sit in the car due to pain in my lower back and hips. Of course, the pants also help with the swelling.

The shirt and gloves take care of the upper body because pushing the wheelchair has caused pain in my arms, hands, and joints due to monotonous and strenuous work. The fluid circulation has deteriorated, and fluid has started to accumulate in the arms and joints over the years. Fluid has also accumulated in my neck. Similarly, as in the legs, the accumulation of fluids causes nerve pain, as does the sudden movement of fluids. Compression garments help keep my condition relatively stable.

During a difficult period of hand pain, I also wear a shirt and gloves at night, which helps me sleep much better than without them.

Compression garments for anxiety relief

Elli, 37 years old

My physiotherapist recommended that I get compression pants to help ease my anxiety symptoms.

My custom-made pants are really comfortable to wear! They are made of pleasant material and provide a comfortably supportive fit. The pants look like regular knit pants, so they are versatile. The thin, breathable fabric also feels comfortable under other pants.

I can recommend Lymed pants. The slight pressure sensation in my legs has calmed me down and created a safer feeling!

“Compression garments help in managing my pain”

Kati, 45 years old

My compression shirt helps with neck pain and supporting my neck and head. In addition, it is beneficial for my restless and anxious state. My shirt also helps with improving circulation and my alertness level! Lymed compression shirt has brought me great joy and benefit in my everyday life.

“Lymed shirt has helped with the pain management of my cancer”

Antti, 57 years old

I am Antti, 57 years old. During Christmas 2017, I was diagnosed with stomach cancer. The following spring, after chemotherapy treatments, my stomach, spleen, gallbladder, and 49 lymph nodes were removed. After the surgery, I received more chemotherapy treatments, and the last one was in midsummer 2018.

I have always been an active person, so it was confusing when I couldn’t even lift my head off the floor without help after the treatments and surgery. The illness and treatments had eaten away all the muscles I had. I also lost about 17kg in weight. However, with regular rehabilitation, my condition improved, and later on, I was able to exercise independently following the instructions of the hospital physiotherapist.

The exercises went well, but the problem was the severe pain in my abdomen and back. The pain was so intense that when it occurred, the only option was to lie down and rest until the next morning.

In the autumn of 2020, I went to Lymed and bought two compression shirts, one short-sleeved and one long-sleeved. I have worn the shirts during gym workouts, cycling, Nordic walking, and skiing. I only wear the shirt during exercise, which lasts for 1-1.5 hours. Wearing the shirt has had a very positive effect, especially on the back pain. Some of the pain has disappeared altogether, and if there are any pains, they are much milder. There isn’t a big difference in the frequency of abdominal pain, but the pain has still decreased.

For me, Lymed shirts have brought relief to constant and severe pain. They have significantly improved my quality of life and encouraged me to pursue an active lifestyle.

“I can exercise and be active again”

Senja Norha

Senja Norha is a retired police officer and a service dog user. Senja has suffered from back and mobility problems all her life. With an undefined EDS diagnosis and a degenerative spine disorder, Senja has become acquainted with Lymed pressure garments since 2013. Senja uses Lymed Sense long-sleeved shirt, long-legged pants and a sleeve glove.


“My life with pain has begun when I was around ten years old. I remember experiencing constant problems in my back area. I exercised a lot and did all kinds of sports, but at age 14 I had to cut off my first sport because of pain, gymnastics. All my teenage years and adult life I have tried to keep myself moving as much as possible; I did freestyle, downhill skiing, water skiing and trampoline gymnastics.

Pain was present all the time. Despite of it, I graduated into a profession. I got through the fitness tests and I became a police officer. I noticed that I was on sick leave a lot because of my back: I got a bag of basic painkillers and they said to me “back problems are what they are.” I often had to go to the emergency room to get injections to ease my pain. Soon I found myself working reduced-time. I took this as a possibility to finally rehabilitate myself fully for working life.

In 2006, everything stopped for me. I was in great physical shape because of my part-time working schedule, but suddenly I could not get out of the bed anymore. I went to see the doctor and received very little – even if any – help. I was extremely frustrated: I even asked for a mental health assessment from my doctor. I was convinced that since no one found a physical reason for my pain, it must be psychological.

They did not send me to evaluation, but they finally sent me to a physiatrist who found serious degeneration in my back and ossification of vertebrae. I was diagnosed with degenerative spine disorder and hypermobility. I always thought that the hypermobility was normal, and everyone has it. Professionals questioned whether I could even rehabilitate myself back to work. I wanted to work, so I committed to it fully.

My health, however, deteriorated: I could not hold my grip, I had difficulties lifting and carrying. I got frustrated easily. I realized that in the future I will probably need a service dog to support my daily living. I had just acquired Aino, a golden retriever, as a non-working dog. With the encouragement of my doctors, I started to train Aino to be a service dog for myself. Years later, I was with Aino at a service dog event and I was randomly asked when I received my diagnosis of EDS. I was blown away and asked them to explain it to me in detail. What on earth was this?

I started to read more about it, and even though I did not have a confirmed EDS diagnosis, my symptoms matched – apart from the genetic inheritance. This was the start of my occupational therapy and physiotherapy, and we tried to figure out what kind of aids I could use to help my daily living. Later that year, my father called me complaining about the same types of hypermobility symptoms as I already had been diagnosed with. Maybe this is genetically inherited after all..? Nonetheless, I had been using pain clinic services for many years now and I did not have any suitable painkillers to use. The next step in pain management would have been opioids, but I did not want to use them because of my profession. In addition to this, my body could not take the pain medication any longer.

I was attending Assistive Technology Fair in 2013 when I became acquainted with pressure garments. I started asking around how I could get my hands on them. I immediately realized that external pressure could help me survive every day, especially with my problematic hypermobility. I already used aids and assistive technologies where ever I could.

That same year I got my first pressure garments. I was amazed – I felt one with myself, and I did not need to waste energy to “control my body”, so to say. It felt like Christmas! My garments were custom-made to fit my body’s dimensions and my muscles – standard sized products did not fit me. It took some time to get used to the products, but soon I noticed that I was able to do things I had already discarded as impossible for me to do. I was able to go for a walk! During the night the garments recovered me from my daily activities, prevented dislocations and luxations and during the day I felt almost painless. I was active! Finally, because I wore the garments all the time, I was granted another set of them. This made washing and wearing easier. My garments helped me more than e.g. resting splints, with which I could not sleep well.

At this stage I was already put on time-limited retirement, wanting to return to my profession I loved. I was hopeful, because my rehabilitation seemed to be successful. Unfortunately, the degeneration progressed and got worse, so this was no longer possible for me. I was deemed disabled, unable to return to work, in 2015.

It has been a long and difficult journey of many years, I’ve fought many fights over my rights to feel better and get well. With the use of pressure garments, my ability to function has improved considerably and my balance is so much stronger nowadays. I use pressure garments to manage my everyday life.

I struggle each year to get reimbursement for my pressure garments. Care paths are complicated and situations change constantly. However, one thing is certain: I need my pressure garments for my daily living and to be a functional, active person.”